Friday 1 February 2013

CURRY!!! *yum yum*

Hey yo... what's up everyone!!! Today is the first day of FEBRUARY...

Hmm.. let's start the first day of February with some delicious and tasty CURRIES :)

Curries owe their deep flavour to curry paste, made from a blend of pounded herbs, spices and seasonings, there are endless types of curry pastes, often with a long list of ingredients. 

1. Beef curry

 Beef is a great starting point for a deliciously good curry, make them as you would a traditional beef casserole or use a slow cooker or pressure cooker.

2. Mutton curry  

A dish from Delhi region. It can be served with some rice, pakoras or samosas and a nice crispy salad.


3. Chicken curry

There are many variations of chicken curry in Malaysia: Indian, Malay, Chinese, Nyonya, but chicken curry with potatoes is possibly the most common chicken curry in Malaysia. Everywhere you go where curries are served, you will probably find this type of chicken curry.


4. Fish curry

Fish head curry, a dish where the head of an Ikan Merah ( red snapper, literally"red fish"),is semi-stewed in a Kerala-style curry with assorted vegetables such as okra and brinjals usually served with either rice or bread.


5. Vegetable curry

Vegetable curry in color and taste compliment any meal. This is a simple recipe but delicious and filled with flavors. Good way to incorporate a variety of vegetables in your meal. Cabbage, long beans, eggplant, okra, potato, lontong and 'tao pok' are the basic ingredients of the vegetable curry.

*That's all for today. I highly recommend a restaurant, Kanna Curry House which is located at Petaling Jaya.

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